This is a summary of the Turkish serie Mucize Doctor (Miracle Doctor or A Miracle):
The Turkish serie Mucize Doctor (Doctor Miracle) or "A Miracle" is a beautiful story about overcoming a teenager with mental retardation.
The story revolves around Ali Vefa (Taner Ölmez), a child who is abandoned by his father and family because he is very young.
Ali Vefa has several drawbacks and does not act like a normal child, and he is not.
This child has a mental disorder: autism. A condition that prevents people from doing simple things like communicating or developing feelings.
Ali Vefa is sent to a specialized care center since childhood, where it turns out that he has another mental disorder typical of people on the autism spectrum.
In addition, this boy suffers from Savant syndrome, which is called Savant syndrome in English.
As the name suggests, it is a syndrome in which the affected people are very intelligent and specialized in certain areas.
In between, starting very small, Ali Vefa is already showing his interest and analytical skills with several amazing abilities.
Ali Vefa's desire to become a pediatric surgeon stems from a trauma he suffered when he was very young.
Ali Vefa was handicapped by his short stature, and the kids around him took advantage of him and teased him mercilessly.
Fortunately for him, Ali Vefa had an older brother who stood up for him and took care of him again and again.
One day, Ali was taunted by the neighborhood kids, and his brother went out to protect him and died before his eyes.
Ali Vefa, unable to express his feelings, focused completely on becoming a pediatrician, perhaps because he wanted to help his poor brother.
After the death of his brother, Ali Vefa was sent to an orphanage, where he began his studies and education.
Over the years and after enormous efforts, Ali managed to enter the Istanbul Medical University and study pediatric surgery.
In this faculty, he received the best student award for his outstanding professional skills and abilities as a doctor.
Due to his status, no hospital was willing to offer itself as a development site for his six-month internship.
Realizing the young man's abilities and potential, Mr. Adil, Ali Vefa's coach and at the same time president of an Istanbul hospital, decides to gather his management team to welcome him.
The management team wants to have a conversation with Ali Vefa to evaluate him before he is admitted as a resident, but he is late to the conversation, which causes discomfort.
As you have seen, a person with autism syndrome is often very strict with their schedule and is occasionally late.
On this day, Ali Vefa has a problem: at the airport, a child suffers an icing accident, and he, as a doctor, must step in and improvise a dangerous operation.
Ali Vefa saves the boy's life and everything is recorded by a man who uploads it to social networks to make it known.
As soon as Ali Vefa arrives at the interview, journalists are also looking for him, which puts the Steering Committee in trouble.
After several years of studying and reading books on surgery, Ali Vefa managed to become a specialist in pediatric surgery.
His entry into the hospital was quite difficult, because a doctor must have empathy and special development of emotions to deal with his patients.
Ali Vefa was an exemplary doctor, but he lacked empathy, communication with others, and emotional development.
However, thanks to the dedication of his teacher and the fact that the residency lasted only six months, and during that time he had to teach his skills, he was accepted.
It was a dream for him to become a pediatric surgeon and this was the basis of his whole story, with fixed hours and studies and without missing anything.
Not only was the doctor's equipment preventing him from entering the clinic, but the practice chief and other residents did not know how to deal with this situation.
Everything is difficult at the beginning, but Ali Vefa's colleagues and bosses help him a little in his emotional education.
Ali Vefa learns certain emotions, such as lying, as he constantly tells the truth, and also behaves badly, as he does not master these things.
Patients encounter various problems because they do not trust a doctor with such a serious mental disorder to treat them properly.
In these cases, Ali Vefa surprises with his incredible ability to solve problems with his mind, and he eventually gets his recognition.
If you want to see the beautiful love story of Ali Vefa and this Turkish drama, click on the View Chapter button above!
We have all the episodes of A Miracle (Mucize Doctor or Miracle Doctor) online for free and without ads.
There is one season of 28 episodes and a second season which is currently being filmed. The average length is 130 minutes.
The exact date of the premiere of the second season in Turkey, which will start shooting in September 2020, is not yet known.
It was first broadcast on Fox Turkey on 12 September 2019 and the last episode was aired on 26 March 2020.
Our site already contains the entire tv show Mucize Doktor with english subtitles!
Watch Bölüm 1, Bölüm 2, Bölüm 3, Bölüm 4, bölüm 5, bölüm 6, bölüm 7… bölüm final 28 of Muzice Doctor (Miracle Doctor) in English click above and enjoy!
In the trailer of Mucize Doctor (Miracle Doctor) we see the incredible abilities of Ali Vefa, a child who can paint a mural on his human body with chalk.
In the trailer of the Turkish serie Mucize Doctor, we also see his father, who does not accept him because he is mentally challenged, and his older brother, who defends him without fear.
It's a beautiful story, as we see how Ali Vefa saves a child's life by improvising an operation that other surgeons will later see and question.
In the trailer for A Miracle, we see Professor Adil asserting himself against the other surgeons, even though one of them insists that Ali can never work as a doctor.
And what we see in the trailer of Doctor Miracle is Ali Vefa's first approach to a girl, his girlfriend, who accepts him as he is and wants to help him.
The Turkish series Mucize Doktor (Miracle Doctor) has not been broadcast in English so far, but we have it subtitled
In Turkey, it was broadcast on Fox Turkey, which offers all episodes in full version (without subtitles) on its Youtube channel.
To watch all the episodes in English in good quality, just click on the Watch Episodes button above.
The length of the chapters on our website is shorter than the original, so don't be surprised if instead of 28 chapters there are more!
Some of the chapters on our site belong to youtube, optimovision, dailymotion and tokyvideo.
Although it has not been broadcast in Spain, it has been broadcast in other Spanish-speaking countries, such as Ecuador and Argentina, on the Teleamazonas and Telefe channels.
The broadcasting started this year (2021) and you have the possibility to watch the programme on television for free, even if you have missed a chapter or if you don't have an antenna, feel free to watch the chapters on our website.
He is a teenager with autism and savant syndrome, which caused him various inconveniences from an early age.
His father did not accept him that way, and his older brother died defending him from other boys who made fun of him.
He was determined to learn pediatric surgery so that no infant would die like his little brother.
He graduated in medicine as valedictorian for his incredible mental abilities in medicine.
He is a professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Istanbul and director of the surgical department of a hospital.
While teaching Ali Vefa, he realized the young man's potential and recommended him to do his 6-month internship at the hospital where he worked.
He defended Ali in front of the management team, putting his work on the line.
He became the father Ali Vefa never had.
He finishes his medical studies and enters as a resident in the same hospital as Ali Vefa.
From the beginning, this beautiful girl and young woman, approaches Ali Vefa to help him and try to understand him.
She is Ali's first friend, is quite sensitive and empathetic and continually defends her friend.
He is an experienced surgeon and it is he who has to deal with Ali Vefa and the other residents of the operating room.
He has no initiative for Ali, with his mind problem, to become a doctor and strives to prove it, even if our boy never gives up.
This Turkish serie (Doctor Miracle) is based on the South Korean series Good Doctor, released in 2013.
This drama series about doctors tells the life of an educated autistic infant who is a resident of pediatric surgery.
Turkey was not the exclusive territory that adapted this series, the United States also did so with its global success: The Good Doctor.
If you think that an actor can play such a difficult role as this without any prior preparation, you are mistaken.
Actor Taner Ölmez, who plays our main character, Ali Vefa, told a magazine that it was premature to admit the role of this autistic educated boy.
Taner Ölmez spent months in contact with a group of autistic boys, spending time with them, trying to understand their behavior and observing everything they did.
Since then, he feels a lot of empathy for this condition and is fascinated by everything that autistic children have the opportunity to achieve, even if they fail to express it.
If you are a big fan of Turkish TV shows, the face of Ali Vefa (played by Taner Ölmez) will mention something.
This actor appeared in the Turkish show Medcezir as Mert, the best friend of the protagonist Yaman. To be more precise, he was the son of Selim and Ender.
Medcezir was broadcast on Nova (Atreplayer) and is available on their platform, but also on our website.
If you liked the Turkish serie Mucize Doktor (Miracle Doctor), full of drama, romance and overcoming, I recommend you to check out our page of top Turkish tv series of 2021.
However, specifically, here is a list of higher Turkish novels similar to Mucize Doktor (A Miracle) :
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Masumlar Apartmani: All the characters in this Turkish series suffer from mental problems or illnesses while both protagonists meet after a spectacular car accident, they will try to take their love above all their personal and family problems
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